The Magic Numbers
In this day and age, what better way is there for me to announce to the world that I'm moving on, starting a new life in a new place, than by the procurement of the magic numbers --- the mobile numbers! These are the numbers that say "I'm here! I've done it! And I intend to stay put for a while, so there!
Three years ago, almost to the day, I purchased my first mobile phone in Dublin, gave the number to friends and family, and I was off on my adventure! Ha HA!
Funny how adventures can flip-flop into mundaneness without you even realizing it. Pay attention, Denise! Okay, so now I'm beginning another adventure --- one which promises to provide a lot of excitement and lessons learned. I am ten days into my new life in Morocco, and just to prove I'm serious about it, I'll present the magic numbers: (deleted for anonymity!).
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