The Pan-galactic Gargleblaster of my mind

19 February 2006


A few weeks ago, my lovely hippy friend Sally doused me and gave me a remedy. See, Sally is not only a lovely hippy, but a homeopath as well. I had at the time been suffering about 5-6 weeks with sinusitis and bronchitis, and after the superdooper antibiotics had failed me, I was desperate. Sally swears by homeopathy, as it saved one of her daughters from bacterial meningitis when she was a toddler, so I figured at the worst, it couldn't hurt.

So Sally doused me. Now, I've known Sally about the last year or so, having met her through Norah when I lived in Dublin. Sally is not unfamiliar with some of my issues, given that talking about issues was one of us gals' favorite things to do when we'd all get together. It seems some of us were/are at the age of self-exploration, stemming possibly from exasperation with being psycho. Anyway, when Sally was dousing me, she basically told me she wasn't going to give me a quick cure for my respiratory troubles (thanks a mill, Sall!), but rather was planning to work with me over the next several months or so to get at the root of my problems, thereby eliminating my body's need to get sick. In other words, my constant sickness is a physical manifestation of psychological issues that I am repressing, either consciously or unconsciously. What I gots ta do is deal with these issues, stop repressing, and then my body won't push out the bad energy because I will have let go of it in a positive way.

A whole bunch of hippy hooey ballooey, but I'm really giving it a go. Plus, I am fuckin' sick of fighting depression all the time, so ultimately I believe this will help me in more ways than one.

Part one of my cure is a six-week remedy called Nat Mur. Along with taking this remedy, I am directed to think about why I am guarded and don't really share with people on any deep, meaningful level -- why I don't ever really let anyone get close to me. Am taking my 5th dose this evening, so almost done with this stage of my cure.

Have done a lot of soul searching, and also have had a couple of light bulb revelations, and I am now debating on whether to share them here, on the internet. I know I'm not comfortable with people knowing my issues, or at least, what I think are my issues. Mostly, I kinda worry about certain specific people (read: my mom) being upset at some of the things that might be revealed as a part of my internet show-and-tell. But I think it's a baby step, an easier way for me to be more open while still keeping the bit of anonymity that being behind a keyboard brings.

I do know that the people reading this are, by and large, people I trust and love, and who I know love me. So I reckon I will ultimately give it a go. Hopefully no one will think I've gone all Norman Bates and run away screaming.


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