Bug jiggy jiggy
Yesterday while I was feeding my obsessive need to photograph flowers, I saw bugs copulating. Fun fun fun!! Have added a bunch of new photos to my flower album on Photobucket, if you're interested.

The Pan-galactic Gargleblaster of my mind
Yesterday while I was feeding my obsessive need to photograph flowers, I saw bugs copulating. Fun fun fun!! Have added a bunch of new photos to my flower album on Photobucket, if you're interested.
... all wonky. If you read it regularly, scroll down pretty far because there might be new posts you haven't seen yet!
[Note: Blogger is having trouble with photos today, so I'm posting this without. Will add some later.]
Seven months of hand washing makes me so thankful for a spin cycle and so enthralled with agitation. Allah bless Whirlpool. We finally got a washing machine in our house. It's a bit of a process, until we get a plumber to hook us up to the pipes:
Okay, so it sounds more complicated than handwashing. But trust me, it beats having bloody knuckles from washing towels.
... for catching up on her blog before me. Now everything I post will be copycat. Grrrr. Just go and read hers instead. Saves me the trouble of coming up with a new spin on everything.
I've started taking photos of some of the flowers and foliage around Agadir, as everything is in full bloom right now. Purrrrrty. Look on my photobucket album to see more.
I'm kinda glad I'm here. I was walking to work this morning (which act takes approx. 45 secs door to door), and I passed by two men who teach in Kastalani, the Moroccan school that houses our American School. Anyway, these two men were smiling and holding hands as they walked. And I thought, "I like that." I like that men here feel no threat to their masculinity or their heterosexuality when they hold hands or lounge on the couch in each other's arms. I find it refreshing that men can be friends and be affectionate and not be labeled as something they may not be.
Never really got around to posting up photos from our trip to Marrakech and Casablanca. I've put up an album of minarets on Photobucket. Go and look.
McDonald's birthday parties are the same all over the world. I feel much more at peace knowing that corporate brainwashing happens to children everywhere, no matter their race, creed or color. Parents everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief.
I'm so far behind with the blogging. Got out of the habit. Trying to get back into the habit. Anyway, have updated my previous post about The Bell. Check it out.
Having trouble with Blogger and photos, so will post up Reginald and Rosie later on. Am sure you will be waiting with bated breath.
Photos still to come: Fluffy, Princess, Desi, Lucy, Rosie (the nosey neighbor) and Reginald.