More on our zoo
What have we gotten ourselves into? We have 11 animals that all need tending, and that means coming over here at night sometimes to feed them, keeping a steady supply of fresh veggies for the hamsters and guinea pigs and turtle, keeping a steady supply of fresh bedding and clean cages, sunlight and flies every day for the chameleons.... even the fish glug indignantly if they've been left too long without being fed. The guinea pigs... are.... stuh-ARVING all the time. At least, that's what you'd believe if you listened to their cries. As soon as they hear the key in the door, they start sqealing and jumping around the cage. And when they get some food in their mouths they are still kind of grunting while they eat, because they were sooooooooo hungry. Never mind they're being fed a pretty substantial amount two times a day. I didn't realise it was possible for a guinea pig to consume more than its weight in lettuce, cabbage, carrots, bread, etc. EVERY DAY. Geesh!
Anyway, here are the other photos I promised:

Having trouble with Blogger and photos, so will post up Reginald and Rosie later on. Am sure you will be waiting with bated breath.
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