So much blogging to do, so little time...
I'm baa-aaack. I have put myself on a strict(er) timetable since we arrived back from Casablanca last Saturday. Too much shit needs to get done and too much I want to do between now and the end of the school year, and I ain't the best at self-motivatin'. So I have purchased a diary/calendar thingie, in which I've scheduled in times for school planning, exercise, language study, music, creativity, etc. And blogging. Allowing myself four hours a week, so hopefully will get quicker and more efficient at the writing. Ha!
This afternoon Shan and I have a meeting with our boss regarding promotion for the next school year. We're planning a mass mailing to all the rich people in town, and we have to convince them they want their kids to learn English instead of French. No contest, right? Except that French is the language of business in Morocco. Our goal is to get at least 30-40 students enrolled for next year, and three classes.
But that's all boring stuff. Our holiday in Marrakech and Casablanca was fantastic, and I have too many stories and ideas whirling around in my head right now. Need to organise my thoughts so I can get stuff posted up here. And it will take a few days to get the photos all up on PhotoBucket. Will do my best, within the constraints of my four-hour blogging limitations.

Casablanca sunburn
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