The Pan-galactic Gargleblaster of my mind

17 March 2006

Rigor mortis

Last night I had a really restless sleep. First just couldn't sleep at all, and then had weird dreams and nightmares. Can't really remember them, but I know I had them because I woke up thinking I needed to get up and write it all down. Needless to say, I didn't, and now they're gone.

Except for a tiny tidbit of the nightmare that woke me up. I was holding my cat (who incidentally spent the entire day outside yesterday and thereby probably got me worrying about rabies) and he was shivering or convulsing uncontrollably. He suddenly bit me, latching onto my arm. I was trying to get him off, holding him away from my body, and he was still convulsing, hanging from my arm by his teeth, shaking violently. Then he lurched and died. Rigor mortis immediately set in so that he was still hanging from my arm by his teeth, stiff, eyes staring into nothingness. Needless to say I was freaked the fuck out and woke up with my heart in my throat.

And that was only the very end of the dream. There was other weirdness before that I just can't remember. I hate nightmares.


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