A few things happened this weekend. This differs from my normal weekend, in which no things happen. First, on Saturday night Abdellah, Ahmed, Hicham and his girlfriend, Grandie (or whatever the spelling for the French name that sounds like Grrrahndeeee), came over and I made tajine. It was the first tajine made in the new clay tajine pot after properly soaking the new clay tajine pot in water overnight instead of just cooking the tajine in the new clay tajine pot without properly soaking the new clay tajine pot in water overnight. For future reference, a new clay tajine pot must be soaked in water overnight in order for said new tajine pot to work to its fullest effect. So anyway, blimey if that overnight soaking in the water didn't make a HUGE difference in the taste of the tajine. Smoky. Yummmmmm. And the Moroccan boys were all vying over who now gets to claim me as his fourteenth wife.
Second, after the tajine and merriment we discovered that Poops had gone missing. Apparently he has finally realized he can jump off the balcony and not die, so he has taken to jumping off the balcony for secret trysts with his calico girlfriend. Lahcen went out to have a look for Poops and quickly gave up. So I went out and started calling him. Was about to chuck it in when I heard him crying, very faintly. Very faint 'cause he was halfway down the block. In a second story window of a new house that's being built. Now, he managed to get himself inside that house, and up to the second story, but the stoooopid shit couldn't figure out how to get down. We, of course, couldn't get into the house because the door was locked. Forty-five minutes and many coaxes later, Lahcen eventually hoisted Abdellah up to the window on a wooden pole, allowing Abdellah to get into the house to save Poops. That damn cat is more trouble than he's worth.

Fourth, we discovered that there ARE English language DVDs for sale in the souk. Hooray! We purchased Proof and North Country for a measley dollah-fitty each. Turns out there is a God in Morocco after all. And a Movie Pirate.
So, in short, it was a thing-ful weekend.
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